It is required that laser cutter owners and operator be aware of hazardous fumes and small particles that result from laser cutting and laser engraving. Most professional workshops have installed exhaust fans and exhaust ports, however, if your workspace does not have an exhaust port, or convenient window, a fume extractor is an excellent alternative.
Laser Report: Benefits of Fume Extractors
Laser Report: The Value of Water Chillers
Lasers can be hot. That is pretty obvious and necessary to the function of a laser cutter. Ironically, the real key to keeping your CO2 laser tube running to maximum longevity is keeping the laser tube as cool as possible. Typically, this is done by running water through the laser tube when it fires. From that simple concept, laser operators have a few options for optimal laser tube cooling systems.
Lasers and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)
STEM education – that’s Science, Technology, Engineering & Math – is becoming more vital than ever for junior high and high school students. Even students not planning on going to college benefit from STEM programs that provide students with real skills used in real industries.
Explore Your Laser Community
When you purchase a laser cutter, you not only open a world of amazing projects and designs, you also become part of a larger community of artists, entrepreneurs and micro-manufacturers. This “Maker Movement”, as it is sometimes called, is a community of like-minded people who want to show off, and share, their creations, ideas and expertise. Full Spectrum Laser is an advocate and supporter of this Maker community and we invite anyone interested in “all things laser” to join us on social media.
Preparing for MC-Series Compact Fiber Arrival
It is time to get prepared.