Make A New Friend... Literally!
Import the included files and cut all the pieces from their respective materials. This file contains vector cuts, vector markings.
After all the pieces have been vector marked and vector cut you will want to set aside the main body of the Draw Buddy aside.
Now you can focus on the assembly of the Draw Buddy base.
When starting to assemble the base you will want to locate three pieces this shape.
Take these three pieces and notch them into the three bottom notches on the large base pieces. These can be set in place with a small dab of superglue.
Now you can put the last cross member in the top notches.
Finally add the side brackets. These are both made up of two pieces that slot together and then go into the T shaped cut outs on the side of your main base pieces. Some superglue should be added for a strong bond.
Now you have places to store your dry erase markers with your draw buddy.
Now be creative and have fun!